Organizing "Extras" in PSP

Once you start doing tutorials with Paint Shop Pro, you will find that your downloaded "extras" (such as Filters, Masks, Tubes etc) will grow at a surprising speed. Although you can place all these things straight into the relevant Subfolders in PSP in the Program Files, you might prefer to save all these files into "My Documents". The more you add to PSP in the Program Files, the "heavier" the program itself becomes and slows down more and more. Keeping all these extras well organized in "My Documents" has added benefits. The folder is easy to burn to CD. In case of a reformat or getting a new computer, it is very easy then to transfer all these files. The risk of losing something is much smaller. I also feel a lot more confident moving around in "My Documents" than I do in the Program Files.

How have I organized mine? Please don't think that you need to do it this way. But hopefully it will give you suggestions on how you might want to set up yours. The instructions are for Windows XP. It should be possible to adjust them to your needs.


1) Start > My Documents


2) Make a new Folder

3) Name this new folder "PSP Extras" (or a name of your choice)

4) Open your "PSP Extras" folder

5) Create new folders within the "PSP Extras" folder
I have the following folders:


The Folder "DesignElements" could be part of the Tubes folder. But I find it easier this way.

6) For various folders I then have subfolders

Design Elements

I have subfolders for the different creators. Like this it is easy to give credit to the creator if I use one of the elements


Each filter/plugin is in its own folder. Before installing a new filter, I simply make a new folder with that name and then install it into that (usually unzip a winzip file first).

Exception here are the .exe filters like Eye Candy, Ulead and Galaxy. The .exe file needs to be run and the filter installed into the Corel (PSP X) or Jasc (PSP 9 and previous) Program Files.

Most filters are made for the Photoshop Program. To be able to use them in Paint Shop Pro, you need to install 4 extra dll files into the Windows files. Download the winzip file, unzip the files and save them into Systems 32 for Windows XP

Start > My Computer > Local Disk (C:) > Windows > SYSTEM32

or into Windows > System directory if you do not run XP on your computer.

Please be careful while you do this. I would recommend to set a new Restore Point before attempting it:

Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a restore point.


I have subfolders in the Mask folder for "full graphic", "top border" and "side border" masks.


I have subfolders for "Goldfills", "Silverfills", "Christmas glitters" and "Patterns".


I started with having subfolders like "Animals", "Flowers", "Christmas" etc. But I find it increasingly unhelpful when trying to give credit to the tube creator. My new subfolders are titled with the link to the creator. Groupshares with no creator information go into a Subfolder "Groupshares".

Do I need to do something in PSP?

Once you have set up all these folders and start to collect files, you need to tell PSP to look for them in their new location.

With PSP open, go to

File > Preferences > File Locations

Then choose the File Type you want to arrange, go to "Add", browse for the folder you have created in "My Documents", click ok.

e.g. for the gradient, look for the gradient folder you created.

I have not set it for my tube collection, I prefer to browse the folder instead. I have also only set it to show my "full graphic" masks. I don't use others often and it's then easier to browse and find something.

If you have any questions, please email me.


With grateful thanks to Heather, who helped me with those first steps in setting up PSP and creating.

Another "Thank you" goes to Hooty for letting me use his winzip file for the 4 dlls needed.


last revised December 2005


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