November Dreams Frame and Background Tutorial
By LismibaebisCreations
26 November 2012
Revised 7 April 2022
I have used one of my own photographs for this tutorial
Skill Level: Advanced Beginners & Adventurous Others
Knowledge of using Filters necessary
(or learn how to get started with my
ABC Tutorials)
This tutorial is my own creation; any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental
Program shortcuts will be given in parentheses
Paint Shop Pro - I used X2
(Tutorial will work with other versions)
Free 30 day trial from Corel,
available here
Graphic of choice
(Width greater than height)
Fantastic Machines > Paint Engine, available here
Simple Filters, available here
LB_texture22, available here
Performance Notes
This tutorial is in 4 parts:
- Preparation
- Pattern Background
- Frame
- Background
The settings for different Tools and Effects will stay the same throughout the tutorial, unless new setting instructions are given
If you use PSP X4 or higher, you can get the script for Image Flip and Mirror from creation Cassel
Since some steps are repetitive, instructions to make and use a script are part of the tutorial.
Don't forget to save your work often
Click on the arrow and drag it to mark the progress on this page.
1) Download and install filters if necessary
(If you install filters you need to restart PSP afterwards)
2) Download the Texture and save to your Texture Folder
3) File > Open
Open image of choice
4) Window > Duplicate (Shift + D)
Close original
5) Image > Resize
Resample using = Bicubic
Lock aspect ratio = Checked
Resize all layers = Checked
Resolution = 72.000 Pixels / Inch
Width = 490 Pixels
(= finished width of 616 Pixels)
6) Adjust > Sharpness > Unsharp Mask
Radius = 1.00. Strength = 47
Clipping = 5
Luminance only = Not checked
(or a setting of your liking)
7) Dropper Tool (E)
Left click to choose a light Foreground color
(I chose #e1d5cd)
Right click to choose a dark Background color
(I chose #422e22)
8) Window > Duplicate 2x
Minimize copies
9) Materials Palette
Change Foreground to Gradient
Angle = 0, Repeats = 99
Invert = Not checked
Style = Radial
Center Point
Horizontal = 50, Vertical = 50
Pattern Background
10) Image > Resize
Lock aspect ratio = Not checked
Width = 400 Pixels
Height = 400
11) Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling
Settings: Default
12) Effects > Artistic Effects > Topography
Width = 77, Density = 10
Angle = 149, Color = #c0c0c0
13) Effects > Plugins > Fantastic Machines > PaintEngine
Settings: LB_FM4
Push Intensity = 1.05, Lighten = .4
Bias = .00, Pull Intensity = .55
Lighten = .4, Bias = .00
Amount = 1.64
Wrap Edges = Not checked
Type = Slope
Input = Not checked
Line = Not checked
Length = 33, Radiate = 1.00
Motion Angle = -120 (Minus), Curl = -90 (Minus)
Operation Angle = 62
Curl = 163
Direction Channel = R

14) Edit > Repeat PaintEngine
15) Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling
16) Minimize pattern
Do NOT Close
This will be known as "Pattern" for the rest of the tutorial
17) Activate minimized copy of image
18) Layers > New Raster Layer
19) Selections > Select All
20) Effects > 3D Effects > Cutout
Vertical & Horizontal = 0
Opacity = 66, Blur = 22.00
Color = Black
Fill interior with color = Not checked
21) If Script Toolbar not already showing:
View > Toolbars > Script

22) Script Toolbar > Start Script Recording

23) Image > Add Borders
Symmetric = Checked
Size in pixels = 1
Color = Black
24) Image > Add Borders
Size in pixels = 4
Color = Your Background Color
25) Magic Wand Tool
Mode = Replace
Match mode = RGB Value
Tolerance = 0
Use all layers = Not checked
Contiguous = Checked
Feather = 0
Anti-alias = Checked
26) Select new border
27) Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel
Settings: November Dreams 1
Bevel = #1, Width = 3
Smoothness = 0, Depth = 3
Ambience = -25 (Minus), Shininess = 0
Color = White, Angle = 315
Intensity = 50, Elevation = 30
28) Selections > Promote Selection to Layer
29) Flood Fill Tool (F)
Match mode = None
Use all layers = Not checked
Blend mode = Normal
Opacity = 100
30) Left click to flood fill selected border with Gradient
31) Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur
Radius = 5.00
32) Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel
33) Image > Add Borders
Size in pixels = 1
Color = Black
34) Script Toolbar > Save Script Recording

File Name = November_Dream
Save as type = Script Files (*.PspScript)
35) Image > Add Borders
Size in pixels = 9
Color = Any Color not in image
36) Magic Wand
Select new border
37) Activate minimized copy of image
38) Edit > Copy
39) Activate your Frame
Edit > Paste Into Selection
40) Effects > Texture Effects > Texture
Texture = LB_texture22
Size = 60%, Smoothness = 0
Depth = 3, Ambience = 0
Shininess = 0,
Color = White
Angle = 315, Intensity = 50
Elevation = 30
41) Effects > 3D Effects > Cutout
42) Script Toolbar > Select Script

Category = All
Select Script = November_Dream.PspScript
Toggle Execution Mode

Run Selected Script

If you get a prompt:
Cancel Running of Script and click on Toggle Execution Mode
43) Image > Add Borders
Size in pixels = 36
Color = Any Color not in image
44) Magic Wand
Select new border
45) Edit > Paste Into Selection
46) Effects > Plugins > Simple > Top Left Mirror
47) Effects > Plugins > Simple > Zoom Out and Flip
48) Effects > Plugins > Simple > Diamonds
49) Selections > Select None
50) Layers > Duplicate
51) Effects > Artistic Effects > Topography
52) Effects > Plugins > Fantastic Machines > PaintEngine
53) Layers > Duplicate Layer
54) Effects > Plugins > Simple > 4 Way Average
55) Layers Palette
Reduce opacity to 72
(or a setting of your liking)

56) Selections > Select All
57) Selections > Modify > Contract
Number of Pixels = 36
58) Edit > Clear
59) Layers Palette
Activate Copy of Background
60) Edit > Clear
(You should now be able to see your image and the new frame)
61) Layers > Merge > Merge Visible
62) Selections > Invert
63) Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel
Settings: November Dreams 2
Bevel = #2, Width = 20
Smoothness = 10, Depth = 10
Ambience = -25 (Minus), Shininess = 20
Color = White, Angle = 315
Intensity = 60, Elevation = 40
64) Script Toolbar > Select Script
Select Script = November_Dream.PspScript
Run Selected Script
65) Selections > Select None
66) Layers > New Raster Layer
67) Add Watermark(s)
68) File > Export > JPEG Optimizer
Set compression value to = 20 - 25
Chroma subsampling = YCbCr 1x1 1x1 1x1 (None)
Save Exif data = Not checked
Do NOT Close Frame
69) Selection Tool (S) > Custom Selection
Top = 50
Left = 0, Right = 48
Bottom = 450
70) Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged
71) Edit > Paste As New Image
72) Image > Mirror
73) Image > Canvas Size
Width = 2500 Pixels (or width of choice)
Height = 400
Placement = Left Middle Arrow
Left = 10
74) Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow
Vertical = 0, Horizontal = 0
Opacity = 60, Blur = 15.00
Color = Black
Shadow on new layer = Not checked
75) Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow
Vertical = 0, Horizontal = 5
76) Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling
Corner = Checked
Vertical = Checked
Vertical offset (%) = 0
Transition (%) = 50
77) Materials Palette
Change Background to Pattern
Pattern Background
Angle = 0, Scale = 50
78) Layers > New Raster Layer
79) Layers > Arrange > Send to Bottom
80) Flood Fill Tool
Right click to flood fill with Pattern
81) Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling
82) Materials Palette
Change Foreground from Gradient to Color
83) Dropper Tool
Left click to choose a dominant color from your frame
(I picked #b1dcec)
84) Layers > New Raster Layer
85) Flood Fill Tool
Left click to flood fill with Color
86) Layers Palette
Reduce opacity to 89
(Or a setting of your liking)
87) File > Export > JPEG Optimizer
You are done!
Now you can assemble the stationery in email program of choice.
I hope that you enjoyed doing this tutorial.
If you have any questions, please email me: Lismibaebi at
I would love to see what you create with my tutorial.
Please link the tutorial to this page.
A special "Thank you" goes to my Tester Group.
Your help, support and patience has made all the difference
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